I’ve no doubt
that the more cultured a ye what do be readen me blog will be familiar with
the Annual Nag Gag Symposium what’s open ta everyone so long as they’re
an ass, a hoss or a jennet or something along those equine breeds. The horsey
contestints spend the weekend tellen jokes, funny stories and the like and then
on the last night the best contestints are picked ta go inta the grand final
where the overall winner with the most amusen and original story is chosen.
Well, fer the very first time this year’s Symposium was held in Slasher’s Bar
& Grill.
Now, the
animal called The Champ, what was tipped ta win the final, was a proper show
off alltagather and had all us annoyed goen on about how hillarious he was and
how he’d won the title fer 3 years runnen and how his victory was in the
nose-bag fer sure. I’ll tell ya, he just loved ta hear himself bray and could
talk the hind-legs of a donkey fer sure.
Which in
fact is just what the ejjit did. And before hoofen it outta town from the sheer
boredom of The Champ’s constant whinnien, the said Hind-legs told everyone the
very joke what The Champ had up his sleeve fer the grand final. So by the time our
chump The Champ told it up on the stage it was no longer original and was
rendered null and void. Which put a bit of a dampner on the night cos everyone
had been saven their belly laffs fer the final and now there was no grate joke
ta gaffaw at. But then next thing ya know, didn’t MadDogTed shout up “It just
goes ta show ye fokes - a mule and his funny are soon parted!”
Well, the
place errupted fer sure and that’s how, fer the first time ever, a humble
little teddy bear – with no horsey connection whatsoever - won the the Annual
Nag Gag Symposium.