Wednesday, 3 May 2017

MadDogTed reviews Dan Brown's The da Vinci Code

MadDogTed haven a slurp of Da Ale

da da vinci code
wot da f n f is dat about anyways
i read it 2 times meself u gnow
but i didnt understand a f n word of it da 1st time
but den gallanted told me dat its written n a secret code
so i read it agian but dis time I read it backwards
& standen on me head 2 boot & den it made perfect sense 2 me

4 them of u wats 2 thick 2 cop on ill now tell u wot da f n f  its all about

its about a hunt 4 da holy gray ale & peeple do b murderen each
other & evrythin 4  2 find it cos they must have a fierce f n thirst
on them r sumthin like dat
anyways they end up at da last supper 4 2 find it
but theres no room at da n 4 them
cos theres already a load of men and sum1s missus there slurpen away
so they have 2 go home without getten a sup of dis magic gray ale

Of course the hole book is a total f n hoax 4 sure
cos us teddy bears gnow xactly where da holy gray ale is

n fact im guzzlen sum now as i write dis cos its been hidden deep down
n da cellers of Slashers Bar & Grill 4 donkeys years
xactly where dat dan brown fella cant get his grubby f n paws on it

b f n c n u l8r g8r

 sined   mabbogteddy x 


  1. Er, MadDogTed I thought you were still locked up in the Borstal for Bold Bears. Now I've no choice but to lock up my 3 daughters.

  2. You da man MDTed!
