Friday, 5 May 2017

Turkey talk about the Chicken and the Egg

Howye fokes!  How is  things?  Browsen thru me Tedasaurus - the ancient book of Teds what I inherited from me wordy fourbears - I came across a very interesten account on Young Ted the Scientist what is renound fer finally solven the mind bogglen riddle of the chicken and the egg.

Ya see, he lived back duren the Age of the Enlightenmint when alla the grate minds of the day spent their time sitten around inventen things and discussen the Grate Questions what was befuddlen everyone at the time. And every year they held a big huge compitition ta see who had the best mind of them all.

Anyways, one year Young Ted entered his invention of  the instant camera and was laffed and jeered outta it by his peers at such a stupid idea. Its even reported that Mona Lisa herself even nearly broke inta a smile at the absurd notion a such a thing, especially when she herd that there wasnt even a phone attatched ta  the sed camera.

Well, after that me wordy forebear, what was by now totally bankrupt, spent his days tryen  ta regain his losses by gamblen, boozen and general carrousen.  And one day whilst returnen home, he happened upon a grate debate what was happenen in the village square.  Alla the grate minds were there goen hammer and tongs,  hell fer leather and fire and brimstone arguenen over which came first - The Chicken  or  The Egg.  And there was a big huge prize fer the person what could prove the right answer,  ta boot.

So up steps Young Ted and announces that neither  The Chicken or the Egg came first - but in fact it was a ded heat between them. Well, ya can imagine the boos, jeers and rotten tomatas what assaulted the poor little bear at maken such a totally ludacris statemint. But then didnt the little fella produce a photysnap  showen a photy-finish from the 3.30  race at The Punchestown, where nose-ta-nose, The Chicken and The Egg finished at exactly the same pint in the race.

And as there was no arguen with that hard-nosed proof fer sure, Young Ted won the big huge prize and happily lived out the resta his days  doen what he did best - gamblen, boozen and general carrousen.  By the way, a hoss called The Lame Duck came third.