Wednesday 10 May 2017


Brussels is set to BAN the 99 ice cream. Our Top Analysist,  Albear Camoo has the full story and will fill you all in as soon as he has either guzzled or hidden his stash of this iconic favourite. Brb                  

Oops, brain freeze. Brb again.

Ok, here we go... It's all to do with decimalisation, you see. 99 means nothing in the decimal system and top bureaucrats believe this number will have to be changed to 99.9.

They did consider rounding off the 99 to the '100', but realized it could be confused with the 100s & 1000s which are often sprinkled onto the ice cream.

This led to a serious discussion on size-uniformity of 100s and 1000s and it was decreed that a new directive will have to be installed to make sure that these tiny treats are all the exact same length.
It's also going to be a criminal offence to have more red, yellow or pink sprinkles than purple or green ones on your ice cream cone.

So next time you buy your favourite ice cream make sure to ask for a "Ninety point nine with evenly sized 100s and 1000s in the correct colour ratio with a huge dollop of banana sauce but only if it's blended from a non-bendy banana"

Sure the summer'd be well over by the time you'd get through that lot.

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