GallantTed gives us the lowdown on Greenhouse Gasses and the
Ozone layer and gets nothing but abuse for his trouble:
fokes! How is things? Isn’t that global warmen lark just terrable
alltagather? We’re all goen ta fry, I'll tell ya. Ya see, the temperature is
risen cos a alla them greenhouse gasses, and there’s a big huge hole in the
ozone layer, and soon the earth will be roasten alltagather and the seas will
be risen and we’re all goen ta be drownded in our beds.
And the worst thing is that fer years everyone blamed the carbon dioxide
emmissions from alla them big huge cars fer the catastrafee. But the grate
news, brought ta ya exclusively by Ted, is that ya can hould onta yer SUV
Missus, cos all along it was the cows what was doen the damage.
Ya see,
methane is one a the main greenhouse gasses, and after a good feed a the
grass doesn’t the cattle beyont in the field be emmitten fierce amounts a
this silent but violint gas in ta the unsuspecten atmosphere. And then, alla
this wind gets trapped inta the stratasphere and it gets fierce windy
alltagather and storms do be bellowen up all over the place. Er, or somethin
like that.
Anyways, the bottom line is that as worldly citizins of Mammy Earth, we’re
all goen ta have ta think offa a way ta get them cows ta change their diets. Ya
could always insist that they take a couple a antiacid tablets after each
grassy meal, but as the have four stomachs a piece this might prove ta be
fierce costly alltagather. And besides, I know meself that some cows don’t
like ta be doen the drugs.
A course, I meself think the best option is ta make good use a alla them idle
bull bars on yer four wheel drives and just go in and plough the lot a them
mooey windbags away. Then ya’d really be doen somethin ta help the
Lissen, it looks as if I stepped on a few sensitive
hooves when I wrote about how the eaten habits a them cows is responsible fer
the global warmen. Here’s a letter what I got:
Dear Mr. Ted,
Upon reading your ominous comments of last week blaming the cataclysm that is
global warming on the unpresumptuous cow, the girls and I had no choice but
to call an emergency meeting in the back field whence we passed a motion
behooooving us to write to you forthwith, expressing our downright vexation
at your uncavalier attitude towards our wholesome eating habits.
“What’s the beef?” “What’s he dung?” “How cud he?” “He’s reached an all time loooow”, “I’ll be in a bad moooood all week, now”, were
just some of the pronouncement which bellowed from from the quivering maws of
my deeply wounded companions.
Mr. Ted, although against my cultivated principles, it behooooves me to looower
myself and remind you of the numerous times we girls had to hastily hoof it
up the hills, lest we prematurely expired from the stiffling after-effects of
those curried-beans and porter suppers that you and your ursine cohorts seem
so fond of. What can I say, Mr. Ted, save that you are an indubitable and
unequivocal farce.
Yours sincerely
Harriet Heffer(Miss)
Dear Mizzzz Heffer
And what can I say, cept that there’s enuff hot air and gas in that most
long-windedness a letters fer ta melt at least haff a dozen ice caps and
still have enuff steem left over fer ta blow a other hole in the ozone layer.
As fer yer passen motions in the back field - too much infermation, Missus,
too much infermation.
Be seein ya
I’ll tell ye, all us poor Teds is tryen ta do is
ta heel the world by keepen the greenhouse gasses down and if them cows won’t make any admissions fer
their emmissions all I can do is keep exploiten them fer the dang dung
flingers what they are. As fer the abuse what they’re hurlen at a poor innocint
Teds just take a look at the letter below. MadDogTed is haven nonea it fer
Hay Ted
You good for nothing flea bag. Who do you effin think you are writen that
load of bullocks about how the cattle community is responsible for global
warming? And what’s the big effin idea about insulting my girls, especially poor
Harriet who wrote to you in an effort to defend our kin and kine?
My girls
are so upset by your attitude that many of them are refusing to eat, scared
in case the world will abruptly end as soon as they put the next scrap in
to their gobs. But worst of effin all, many of them are refusing me my
conjugal rights, scared to bring any more destructive calves into the
world. And where does that leave me, Teddyboy? Bull effin idle – that’s where.
I’ve been looking
forward to a roll in the hay with Harriet Heffer for weeks now and I’m warning you, Buster, if you don’t apologise at once I’d advise you to dust down your togs cos you’ll be going swimming in the slurry pit very
Signed: Billy Big Ones
hay urself billy big 1s
us teds gnow where u f n liv
& if u dont shut da f up
we will send da boys round
4 2 have ur f n hed on a plate
& all ur f n gnobbly bits 2 boot
so enuff a ur f n guff big boy
unless ur tinken a shortnen ur name 2 just billy
b f n c n u l8r g8
sined maddogtebby x
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